Information for Visitors

If you're considering visiting our church, but aren't quite sure what to expect, we want to extend a welcome to you and describe a typical service at West Smyrna Baptist.

When you arrive you will notice that we are composed of all ages from young to old.  You will also notice that the style of dress varies from casual to business.

Our worship service includes singing traditional hymns with a mix of newer songs.  We have a prayer time and praise time during the service, as well as reading from the scriptures and a time to mingle and greet one another.  A message from the Bible concludes our service while younger children can attend Junior Church.  We also have a nursery for infants and toddlers.

We hope that you will feel welcomed at our church.

If you attend earlier at the 10:00 hour, we offer Sunday School classes that are designed to minister to each individual at their stage in life.  We have classes for various age groups from 2-18, as well as a number of adult classes.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.